Simon van der Meer jachtbouw Marina-building in Leeuwarden is a marina-building and ship-building yard specialised in custom-built ships. Whichever ship you choose, we build it exactly according to your wishes!

Our ship yard in Leeuwarden offers space to ships of up to 15 metres. Also at our disposal is a ship hangar offering space to ships of up to 19 metres.We also construct on location.
Simon van der Meer is among the very few in the Netherlands who can build unsurpassed, fast, flamed, and wooden ship standards, such as the 30 m2, 22 m2, and 16 m2.
Our ship building activities are characterised by the very broad variety in ships that are carpented by us. These include both commercial shipping, such as touring boats, shrimp cutters, and Rhine cruise ships, and pleasure crafts, such as sloops, DEVE's and Wantij and larger ships as Vripack cutters, Selene, Grand Banks and Doggersbank. All activities are carried out by us.